
Rooftop development webinar

  • 1 October

  • 10am to 11.30am

  • Virtual

The Government estimates that 300,000 new homes are needed per year to meet demand, yet just 234,000 net additional dwellings were delivered in England in 2022-23.

With a growing population, people living longer and average household sizes getting smaller, the situation is only going to get worse.

With space at a premium, especially in cities, rooftop development – building new homes on top of existing buildings – provides a cost effective and sustainable option for creating the new homes that are so desperately needed.

But while building upwards has the potential to create thousands of homes, not every location can accommodate a rooftop development. So, how do you identify suitable sites and how can Pretium’s Rooftop Development Framework, procured with Contracting Authority Watford Community Housing, support you through the process?

Greg Patro, Business Development Manager at Langley Structures Ltd, – supplier on Lot 1 of the framework, focused on design and installation of superstructures – talks through feasibility and design considerations, with some live examples, in this webinar.

Pretium Webinar